Premium Engine Oil and Additives
EXCLUSIVE Importer in New Zealand
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Product Selection by Problem Solving
New car
Operation of a new car starts with run-in. Any engaging parts, regardless form the type of technology used during manufacturing, need to be adjusted or ground (run-in). Further longevity of the car largely depends on the thoroughness of the run-in period. To ignore this fact means make the engine with a large number of high-precision movable elements operate with increased loads outside the range of its most efficiency, which can result in decrease of service life expectancy, increases consumption of fuel, oil etc.

Antiwear protection of the engine parts of a new car and precise adjustment of parts during the run-in period can be achieved by adding Atomic Metal Conditioner New Car with 1 Stage Revitalizant® to the motor oil.
The experience shows that the service life of a badly run-in engine equals just 30% of that with correctly adjusted parts.