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Product Selection by Problem Solving
Automatic Transmission Hard Shifting
Even Though Automatic Transmission is Super Simple for a Consumer to Use - There is a Big Process behind it. When Transmission works correctly, we would not bother. However, when it comes to a repair - even most experienced mechanics better would not deal with it.
Hard Gear Shifting In Automatic Transmission May Occur Because Of The Various Factors.

Gears Wear-Out.
Due to the Way of How Automatic Transmission is Set Up Gears' Sprocket Contact Surfaces are Wearing Out, Especially in High-mileage Vehicles. After a Long Period of Time Gears Start Having Scratches and Small Cracks Which Bring to Multiple Problems with Automatic Transmission. Gear Shifting Problem Would Be the Most Common One. Applying Revitalizant® To The Transmission Component Will Restore the Friction Surfaces Or Will Stop Their Further Wear When The Wear Rate Is Critical
- XADO Extreme Action 120 for Automatic Transmission with 1 Stage Revitalizant Nano Technology®
Gear shifting parts wear/breakdown.
To replace worn out parts.
Gear shifting mechanism requires adjusting.
To adjust a gear shifting mechanism.
Transmission Oil is Low or Transmission Oil Leakage.
To Change Oil and Check hoses and pipes for leakage.